Christmas Wish: Tara is Fighting Cancer for Her Family
Tiffani nominated her sister-in-law Tara. She is a mom to three awesome kiddos, wife of a wonderful husband and a cancer fighter.
Read the letter below and nominate a deserving family HERE!
“I am nominating my sister-in-law. She is 35 and what she thought was the best day of her life on April 5, 2023 turned in to one of the scariest. She delivered her healthy baby girl on that day, and immediately after delivery she was in excruciating pain. Scans and test were done. She was then diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She is now battling cancer, doing numerous rounds of chemo, driving back and forth to MD Anderson for scans and appointments. She is constantly needing blood transfusions. All while raising a 7 month old and 2 step children. She has had to quit her full time job. She has an amazing husband who works hard to provide for her family, and she has amazing parents who are there without a question for her and her family. I just wish that this Christmas is one of the absolute best for her and her family. We are all about making memories for her and her family.”